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About us

Terms and Conditions


If you prefer not to use kennels while you are booking your holiday, why not consider trying Peterlee Pets Home dog boarding as an alternative option?
We are licenced with Durham County Council, licence no. DCC/AHB/034550 and insured with Protectivity.


We offer home from home dog boarding where your dog can enjoy a warm, loving family home and your dog’s daily routines are followed.

Proof of your dog’s vaccination must be provided on your visit and must stay on-site throughout the time your dog is boarding with us. It must have been completed at least 4 weeks before the first date of boarding. All dogs must be flead, wormed and tick treated before boarding


We can board up to 3 dogs at any one time but must have your written permission for your dog to stay with others from a different household.

You supply the food and treats as you know your dog’s diet best. Feel free to bring anything that will make your dog feel more at home ie bed, toys, bowls and treats.


Please book in advance if you know your dates, however short notice will be accommodated wherever possible. A 40% non- refundable deposit is required within 7 days to secure your booking. (YOUR BOOKING IS AT RISK UNTIL WE RECEIVE YOUR DEPOSIT).


Your personal information is for Peterlee Pets use only and will not be shared with any other 3rd party other than the vet with your permission. Our business phone is password protected. Photographs are only shared on Facebook with your permission.

We are licensed with Durham County Council and insured with Protectivity. Documents can be seen.


No booking is secured until we receive your 40% non-refundable deposit. The remaining balance is due on or before day of boarding.


Meet and greet
We will offer a meet and greet so your dogs are familiarised with us, the house and our own dogs. Any changes to your dog’s behaviour or health we must be informed of before each boarding session.


BOARDING DOGS will be exercised  twice a day on lead in the local area before 8am and after 5.30pm. All dogs will be walked according to their own ability. We will offer other enrichment activities for dogs that can’t walk very far due to health or age.


We will using pet fresh kennel disinfectant it to clean the house inside and outside including dog bowls. Any mess will be cleaned immediately and the house cleaned thoroughly in between each dog boarding to eliminate any potential cross contamination and on a regular basis clean throughout the dog stay. Any bags of dog waste will be binned. All crates will be sprayed with pet fresh disinfectant at the end of each dogs stay. We will use the dogs own bedding were ever possible. Our bedding will only be used whenever necessary and will be cleaned after each dogs stay. Any toys will be cleaned at the end of the dogs stay any damaged toys will be disposed of.


You Supply your dog's food and treat as you know your dogs diet best. Dogs from separate households will be supervised at mealtimes and fed In separate rooms. Dogs from the same household I will feed according to client’s recommendation, unless we deem it to be unsafe. Group scattering of food for enrichment will only happen if there are no food guarding dogs boarding or in

day care.


Lost or stolen
In the unfortunate event that your dogs may be lost or stolen. I will contact you and the licensing authority. All dogs in our care will wear an ID tag with our contact information on. I will do everything possible to find your dogs. Share on Facebook and other social media, contact the dog warden, vets, council. We will need to have your dog’s microchip number.


Alternative accommodation
We reserve the right to find alternative accommodation for a dog that bites, shows any form of aggression, doesn't settle and could potentially cause a nuisance to my neighbours or If my house become uninhabitable due to fire, flood, loss of power, suspension or revoked of license. I will contact you or your emergency contact. If you or your emergency contact can't accommodate your dog/s or recommend an alternative arrangements. I will make arrangements with another home boarders or kennels, grove kennels if available. You will be responsible for any extra fees.


A close, trusted family friend is a key holder and live less than 5 minutes walk away. I would also use my parents house incase of Emergency with any calm dogs until I can contact you or your emergency contact. I also hold a key to their house.


Sharing room or crate
Dogs from the same household will only share a room/crate together with written consent from their owners and if we feel it is safe. Dogs from separate homes will not be left alone together

Use of crates
We  will only use crates if we need to separate dogs for any reason, unless you use crates at home as a safe place for your dog to sleep. Your dogs will not be left crated for an length of time except for use overnight.


All dogs under a year old should, where possible will be give the opportunity for supervised interaction with people, children and dogs (big and small) to ensure their socialisation and emotional growth. With owners consent they should be given time to explore the environment, sounds,and be kept entertained with activities and objects. All training will be force free and positively rewarding. We will continue any basic training you have started. But we are not qualified trainers or behaviourists. Dogs under a year will only board with other dogs that can cope with puppy play. We will encourage rest time even if that means separating the dogs. Any sign of Illness I will segregate the puppy and contact you and the vet.


Vaccination, disease control and prevention
We need to see a copy of your dog's vaccination record and keep it on site throughout your dogs stay. You are responsible for keeping your dog's vaccination updated. Unfortunately I can’t accept any dog/s if there vaccinations are not up to date. If a restart is needed please remember it's 2 weeks after last vaccination before boarding. Please flea, worms and tick treat your dog/s before they stay. If your dog comes to us with Kennel Cough or any other infectious disease or illness we will be unable to accept them and will contact you or your emergency contact to come and collect them. We will isolate your dog/s until collected, then undergo thorough cleaning using pet fresh disinfectant. We accept no responsibility if your dog develops Kennel Cough while in our care or shortly after as it’s a virus and can be picked up anywhere. We will however ensure the house is fully disinfected on a regular basis to prevent the spread of KC or any other infection. This applies to both vaccination and unvaccinated dogs as KC vaccine doesn't provide 100% guarantee. All of our resident dogs and cats are fully vaccinated and have yearly boosters.


Urgent care
If your dog becomes ill or urgently needs vet treatment whilst in our care and we have your permission, we will use Clifton Lodge Vets in Horden, or the nearest practice immediately available. You are responsible for any vet bills that may occur. We will contact you or your emergency contact number for advice and keep you updated on the care your dog is receiving.


Disease, illness and death
We MUST be made aware of any medical conditions and required medication before boarding commences.
If your dog shows any signs of disease or illness s/he will be isolated from the other dogs until we have advice from the vets. If your dog has an infectious disease we will contact you/emergency contact (you will be kept up to date at all times) and contact the licencing authority on the next working day. Following an infectious disease I will undergo a quarantine period on the vets advice before boarding again. We will inform the licensing authority of any death on the premises and arrangements will be made for your dog's body to be stored at the vets until you return. you are responsible for the cost of all vets bill.


With regards to the new data regulation any data provided by yourself will be kept and stored away as usual. Your personal information is for our  use only and will not be shared with any other 3rd party, we will not be using your information for any form of marketing. We  will only contact you regarding the care of your pets. The only people I may share your information with is vet and boarding inspector with your permission. 
If you do not give consent to holding any data belonging to you then we would require you to email and any such data still held will be destroyed. We will only hold your data for 2 years from the last date you used our services. All information is paper copy. Business phones  are password protected with your phone number and your name/dogs name only. 


We will try to accommodate your requirements as best we can. However please be aware that we have pets of our own, and other boarders who need routine and ‘down time’. Please consider your flight times, if you fly early morning your booking may need to begin the day before so please state this on booking forms. 


Official times for day care are between 8.30am – 5.30pm Mon – Fri (unless agreed otherwise in advance). Weekends by prior arrangement only.

Official times for boarders are
Monday - Sunday. 9am till 5.30pm
Please note new dogs must be dropped off no later than 3pm unless previously agreed
No extra fee if dogs are collected before 10.30am on agreed collection date. Any time after 10.30am is subject to an extra day care charge of £12.


Day care £12
Day care 2 dogs, same household £15
Boarding 1 dog £20 a night
Boarding 2 dogs, same household £27.50 a night
Boarding 3 dogs, same household £35 a night

   Meet the Peterlee Pets.... pets!

This is Blue
This is Gringo

                         BLUE                                                    GRINGO

This is Gaia
This is Romeo

                        GAIA                                                  ROMEO

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